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Beiter Pin Nock
Further Information

Beiter Pin Nock

Werner Beiter invented the asymmetric nock. He was the first to produce specific nocks in specific shapes to suit most of the arrow types on the market. He developed Insert nocks, Outsert nocks, In-Out nocks and Pin-Out nocks.

Now, Werner Beiter has introduced the world's first asymmetric Pin Nock, to complete the Beiter nock product line.

With the introduction of the Pin Nock, Werner Beiter can now offer a nock for all shafts using the industry standard nock pins.

The Beiter Pin Nock is available in a range of colours in the asymmetric size #1 (small groove) or #2 (larger groove) and the symmetric Hunter version.

Beiter nock quality is unparalleled because all nocks of one size are manufactured in one single mould. This means you get the smallest tolerance between nocks!

Beiter Pin Nock - fl green
Beiter Pin Nock - fl dark blue

Beiter Pin Nock - Hunter - white

Stocked Colours:

#30 Fl OrangeYESYESYES
#35 Heavy OrangeYESYESYES
#48 Fl Dark BlueYESYESYES

Please note some items featured here may not be in stock. However, we should be able to obtain any Beiter product normally within 2 weeks from the date of your order.

Information supplied courtesy of Beiter...
Photos by Alternative Services