- Lightweight plastic body.
- Body colours:
- Black
- Clear
- Red
- Blue
- Silver
- Violet
- RH and LH models available
- Convex/concave extra coated 39mm Zeiss K lens with 1.5mm diameter central hole.
- Lens Powers:
- Lens extraction tool.
- 7mm Level Bubble:
- 10-32 thread
- Frame Kit: This scope is supplied with one of each 24mm, 26mm, 30mm and 34mm rings all in the same colour as ordered (Choice of red, black, green or clear). The Beiter Frame System enables easier peep centering and faster aiming.
- 39mm Scope has an approximate outside diameter of 43mm
- Full assembly instructions supplied in both English and German.
- NOTE: Pins Kit is NOT included. You buy this separately. (See related items when you have added this scope to your Cart.)
Additional 7mm green level bubbles are also available separately.
 Beiter Scope - NEW Blue and Silver body colours