3 finger
Hot Shot Vapor
The Vapor is designed with the bowhunter in mind who wants a handheld release without all the bells and whistles. Also suitable for the 3D course, no quality was sacrificed to reach the affordable price point. Pure trigger crispness, silence, and overall simplicity make the Vapor a natural choice for bowhunters who insist on a top quality release.
- Fully adjustable trigger tension.
- Auto-close hook, with no cocking mechanism.
- Complete silence during the hook up, and at the shot.
- Match grade trigger crispness for improved accuracy.
- Cat's Eye hook design ensures a torque free release from the D-loop.
- Multi-Axis thumb barrel rotation ensures unlimited adjustment for perfect fit in your hand.
- Extra handle strength, thanks to our exclusive 2-Thirds case design.
- Additional surface area at the fingers reduces finger fatigue, even after hours of shooting.
- Thumb - 3 finger
- Thumb - 4 finger

4 finger