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Beiter ACE In-Out Nocks

Beiter ACE IN-OUT Nocks
Heavy Blue

Werner Beiter has developed the IN-OUT Nock, which is asymmetric like all other Beiter standard nocks, specially for the Easton ACE range of shafts.

They match perfectly into the diameter of the ACE's aluminium core and help preserve the ends of the shaft thanks to an outer sleeve.

In line with all other Beiter nocks, the highest precision and lowest tolerances are guaranteed due to unique production methods.

ACE In-Out Nocks also fit Easton ACG 1500, 1300, 1150, 1000 and Easton Carbon One 1150, 1000 shafts.


  • 2X1S Nock groove #1 or 1/4" (length end of shaft-nockbed 9mm - short)
  • 2X2S Nock groove #2 or 9/32" (length end of shaft-nockbed 9mm - short)
  • 2X1L Nock groove #1 or 1/4" (length end of shaft-nockbed 14mm - long)
  • 2X2L Nock groove #2 or 9/32" (length end of shaft-nockbed 14mm - long)
  • 2X2H Nock groove #2 or 9/32"

Hunter Nocks:

The Beiter IN-OUT Nock is now also available as Hunter (SYMMETRIC) Nock (2X2H).

Hunter nocks are basically designed for D-Loop (Compound) shooters, because it is the only (almost) symmetric way of shooting in archery.

We stock only a limited quantity of these and in selected colours. (see chart)

Beiter Nock types
Top: Assymmetric
Bottom: Symmetric (Hunter)

Stocked Colours:

#21 Heavy YellowYESYESXXYES
#35 Heavy OrangeYESYESXXYES
#57 Heavy GreenYESYESXXYES

ATTENTION! Clean the aluminum core in each shaft (with aceton or another cleaning fluid and e.g. a pipe cleaner). It is important that the aceton (or other solvents) never has direct contact with the nock. Therefor you should wait for inserting the nock in the cleaned shaft, until the the aluminum core is dry!

Please note some items featured here may not be in stock. However, we should be able to obtain any Beiter product normally within 2 weeks from the date of your order.

Information supplied courtesy of Beiter...